by Cazbah Staff | Jul 20, 2018 | Internet Marketing, Sales, Small Business, Social Media, Technology, Video Marketing
Online video marketing is a popular marketing option for many businesses. Until recently, I have always been a bit cautious because of the time and cost of producing online videos versus the benefit received from such a marketing activity. In the last year, I’ve...
by Cazbah Staff | Jul 4, 2018 | Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, News, Small Business, Technology
Regardless of your individual stance on net neutrality laws, they are deeply important for small businesses who are just starting up and those that have been in business for 10+ years. A change in net neutrality laws could drastically affect the way small businesses...
by Charles (Chaz) Broersma | Jun 22, 2018 | Business Strategy, Small Business, Time Management
The Bucket List Time. It seems like we never have enough in a day and are always rushing to complete a million different tasks. But, a simple restructuring of your day can can help you master time management in the workplace. What amazes me is that the average person,...
by Charles (Chaz) Broersma | Jun 11, 2018 | Business Strategy, Content, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Sales, Small Business
Growing your small business as an entrepreneur can be challenging if you’re not sure where to start. However, once you develop a solid and researched plan to achieve business growth, you can move forward confidently into your specific market. Here are the 4...
by Olivia Casella | May 14, 2018 | Business Strategy, Content, Customer Relations, Employees, Marketing, Small Business
I have a degree in Anthropology and a certification in Applied Business Anthropology (or just “business anthropology”), and I work for an internet marketing small business. Contrary to popular belief, anthropologists aren’t confined to dark museum corners or...