Content Marketing: How to Make Your Content Stand Out


With more voices than ever before, the digital world is a crowded place, but there’s room for you to shine through using content marketing. With everyone vying for attention, how do you ensure your voice doesn’t just echo in an empty chamber? The answer lies not in speaking louder but in crafting messages that resonate deeply with your audience. It’s about finding that sweet spot where relevance meets uniqueness.

From the onset, know this – standout content doesn’t require reinventing the wheel; it demands authenticity and clarity of purpose. Think about what makes your perspective unique and let that guide every piece you create.


Table Of Contents:

Unique Ways to Make Your Content Stand Out In A Crowded Industry

This list of tips is made especially for those in the most competitive markets. It’s designed to help spark ideas for unique ways to make your content stand out and get noticed. Even if your industry is full of competitors armed with skilled content marketers at the helm, these tips are sure to make your content unique and attention-grabbing.


Adopt a Contrarian Angle

The road less traveled is sometimes the best road to take when you’re creating new content. Are all of your competitors saying the same thing? Is it difficult to break through the noise, not to mention get rankings for popular keywords? If so, it might be time for you to cover a topic by taking a unique approach or angle. If everyone in the industry is saying the same thing, chances are your clients and prospects are eager to hear something new, from a different vantage point or a unique approach. For example, in the over-saturated world of business coaches and advisors, one doesn’t have to do much poking and searching before stumbling across Marie Forleo. Marie’s mantra, “The world needs that special gift that only you have”, is said repeatedly across her website and media platforms. While most business coaches are looking over metrics, watching the numbers, and helping people make tough decisions, Marie’s softer, sillier, and more spiritual side is a contrarian voice of encouragement.


Give Something Away For Free

Is there something your industry normally charges for that you could offer for free? Services such as assessments, evaluations, or other lower-cost items might be worth testing for free as part of a content marketing strategy. For example, imagine if something you’d normally charge a small fee for was offered for free one month of the year. You could create a plethora of content around this offer to drive attention away from your competitors’ content pieces. Be ready for your competitors to take notice and start copying you. You’ve made it difficult for them to charge for a service you’re offering for free. So if they’re paying attention (and they are), before long, they’ll be offering a similar thing for free, too. Be prepared for this by pointing out why you’re the best firm to work with or buy from for the paid portions of your services or products. This will encourage prospective customers to get the free item from your company and the paid items too.

Are prospective customers sometimes confused as to how your services work or how one of your products can be used? Creating an educational series of content pieces is a great way to get more mileage out of your content marketing. If something is too complicated or takes too long to explain in one blog post, no problem. Breaking it down into smaller pieces and writing individual blog posts on each point keeps people paying attention for longer. If you’re worried that your audience will miss parts of your series and therefore get or stay confused, make sure there are plenty of links among the pieces to connect them. Similarly, you might consider posting them all at once so that people don’t have to wait to read the other pieces.


Collaborate with a Neutral Industry Thought Leader

Is there a consultant or advisor in your industry that your audience considers a thought leader? Approach them with a topic that you could collaborate on and write an article together. Often these folks are busy and pulled in a million directions. But if you present the offer to collaborate with a list of positive benefits for them, such as increased website traffic, exposure to your list, and sharing the content on your social profiles, they just might say yes. When prospects see their name mentioned in an article, they take notice. Don’t agree to collaborate on a piece unless everyone is willing to share it with their unique audiences. Not only does the thought leader benefit from exposure to new prospects for their own businesses, our clients are also benefiting from exposure to the thought leader’s audiences.

Similarly, partnering with influencers can help you tap into their engaged following and boost your content’s credibility. Find influencers in your niche who align with your brand values and have a genuine connection with their audience. Collaborate on content that showcases your expertise and provides value to the influencer’s followers. This could be:

  • A sponsored blog post
  • An Instagram takeover
  • A video tutorial
  • A podcast interview

Make sure the collaboration feels authentic and not overly promotional. Focus on building long-term relationships with influencers, not just one-off campaigns.


Create Different Types of Content Like A Podcast or A Video

Content creators might post a video here and there, but how many have a consistent strategy for producing a podcast or video series that’s similar to their company’s blog strategy? Not many. A podcast or a casual video series allows you to create amazing content without going through countless revisions of your work. Customers are done with stuffy and over-edited multimedia. Unlike written words, the more conversational and casual a podcast or video series is, the better it will connect with your audience.

Video is one of the most powerful forms of content, with the ability to engage, educate, and entertain your audience. It can also help you humanize your brand and build stronger emotional connections with your viewers. There are many different types of video content you can create, such as:

  • How-to tutorials
  • Product demos
  • Customer testimonials
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses
  • Live streams

You can share your videos on your website, social media channels, and even create a dedicated YouTube channel to build a subscriber base. No matter what types of content you choose to create, the key is to always keep your audience’s needs and preferences in mind. Experiment with different formats and channels, measure your results, and continually refine your strategy based on what resonates best with your target market.

Podcasting has exploded in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. It allows you to connect with your audience in a more personal and conversational way, and can be consumed on the go. To start a podcast, you’ll need a clear concept, some basic recording equipment, and a hosting platform. You might interview industry experts, share your own insights and experiences, or even tell stories related to your brand. Be sure to promote your podcast on your website and social media channels, and consider submitting it to popular directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify to expand your reach.


Establish a Solid Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is the cornerstone of online success in today’s digital age. Crafting a strategy that resonates with your audience is key to building engagement and driving results. Let’s dive into some key elements that lay the groundwork for a successful content marketing plan. The first step in any content marketing strategy is to identify your niche. What specific area of your industry do you want to focus on? What unique perspective or expertise can you bring to the table? By narrowing your focus, you can create content that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs and interests. This level of specificity not only helps you stand out in a crowded market but also establishes you as a go-to resource in your niche. For example, instead of trying to be everything to everyone in the fitness industry, you might focus specifically on yoga for busy professionals. This allows you to create targeted content that addresses the unique challenges and goals of your ideal customer.


Know Your Audience

Once you refine your niche topic, understanding its audience is crucial. Take time to get to the heart of their passions, desires, and hurdles to better shape your message. Knowing who you’re speaking to aids you in tailoring your content to their specific wants and desires. One tip for making marketing content stand out in the age of content overload is to present your product or service as a way to solve problems. The moment your audience sees that your content helps them overcome an issue, problem or challenge they face in their personal or business life in some way, you become an indispensable voice in the industry.


Use Multiple Channels

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to content distribution. Leverage multiple channels to reach your audience where they already spend their time. This might include:

  • Your website or blog
  • Social media platforms
  • Email newsletters
  • Guest posting on relevant sites
  • Partnering with influencers

By diversifying your content distribution, you can expand your reach and engage with your audience in different ways. Just be sure to tailor your content to each specific platform for maximum impact. In a sea of sameness, a unique brand personality can be a powerful differentiator. Your brand personality should shine through in all of your content, from the topics you cover to the tone and style of your writing. Are you bold and irreverent? Warm and empathetic? Analytical and data-driven? Whatever your brand personality may be, embrace it fully and consistently across all your content. This helps you forge a stronger connection with your audience and makes your content instantly recognizable, even without your logo attached.


Present Your Offering As A Solution

At the end of the day, your content should always tie back to your product or service as the ultimate solution to your audience’s problems. But instead of taking a hard sales approach, focus on providing genuine value and building trust with your audience first. Demonstrate your expertise by addressing common pain points and offering actionable advice. Showcase customer success stories to illustrate the real-world impact of your offering. And always include a clear call-to-action to guide readers toward the next step, whether that’s signing up for a free trial, scheduling a consultation, or making a purchase. By consistently providing helpful, solution-oriented content, you’ll establish your brand as a trusted resource and naturally guide your audience down the path to conversion.


Leverage Different Types of Content to Engage Your Audience

When it comes to content marketing, variety is the spice of life. Different types of content can engage your audience in different ways and help you achieve different goals. Below are a few types of content to consider incorporating into your strategy:


Blog Content Marketing

Blogging is the bread and butter of content marketing. It allows you to consistently publish fresh, relevant content that showcases your expertise and drives traffic to your website. But not all blog posts are created equal. To really engage your audience, focus on creating in-depth, actionable content that addresses their specific needs and pain points. Use attention-grabbing headlines, break up your text with subheadings and bullet points, and always include a clear call-to-action. You might also consider incorporating different formats into your blog content, such as:

  • How-to guides
  • List posts
  • Opinion pieces
  • Interviews with industry experts

Social media is a powerful tool for amplifying your content and engaging with your audience in real-time. But with so many platforms and limited attention spans, it’s important to tailor your content to each specific channel. For example, on Twitter, you might share quick tips or industry news, while on Instagram, you could post behind-the-scenes photos or inspirational quotes. On LinkedIn, you might share more in-depth, professional content or participate in relevant group discussions. The key is to be consistent, authentic, and always provide value. Don’t just promote your own content, but also share relevant content from other sources and engage with your followers’ posts as well.


Infographic Content Marketing

Infographics are a highly shareable and visually engaging way to present complex information or data. They can help you break down a complicated topic into easily digestible chunks and make your content more memorable. To create an effective infographic, start with a clear and focused topic. Use a mix of text, images, and data visualizations to illustrate your points, and be sure to include your branding and a call-to-action at the end. You can share your infographic on your website or blog, social media channels, and even pitch it to relevant industry publications for added exposure.

Optimize Your Content for Search Engines and Conversions

You’ve created amazing content that your audience will love. But here’s the thing – if they can’t find it, does it even matter? That’s where SEO comes in. It’s not just about stuffing keywords anymore. It’s about understanding what your audience is searching for and delivering content that meets their needs.


Perform Keyword Research Regularly

Keyword research is the foundation of any solid SEO strategy. You need to know what terms your audience is using to search for content related to your business. But here’s the kicker – it’s not a one-and-done deal. Search trends change, new keywords emerge, and your audience’s needs evolve. That’s why it’s crucial to conduct keyword research regularly. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can help you identify high-volume, low-competition keywords to target. Don’t just guess – use data to inform your content strategy.


Write An Eye-catching Headline

Your headline is the first thing potential readers see. It’s your chance to grab their attention and convince them to click through to your content. A great headline is:

  • Specific
  • Relevant
  • Compelling

It makes a promise to the reader about what they’ll gain from reading your content. Use power words and numbers to make your headlines stand out. For example, instead of “How to Improve Your SEO”, try “7 Proven Tactics to Skyrocket Your Search Traffic in 30 Days”. Which one would you click on?

You got them to click – now you need to keep them reading. Your introduction should hook the reader and make them want to keep going. Start with a surprising statistic, a relatable anecdote, or a bold statement. Show them why the topic matters and how your content will help them solve a problem or achieve a goal. Keep it concise and to the point. You’ve got a limited amount of time to capture their attention before they bounce.


Craft Scannable Content

Let’s face it – most people don’t read online content word-for-word. They scan for the information they need. Make your content easy to scan by:

  • Using short paragraphs
  • Breaking up text with subheadings
  • Using bullet points and numbered lists
  • Highlighting key points with bold or italicized text

Use plenty of white space to give your content room to breathe. Avoid huge walls of text that overwhelm the reader.


Include a Call to Action (CTA)

What do you want readers to do after they’ve consumed your content? Don’t leave them hanging – tell them. Your CTA could be to:

  • Sign up for your email list
  • Download a free resource
  • Book a consultation
  • Make a purchase

Make your CTA clear, specific, and easy to find. Use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency. Remember, the goal isn’t just to get traffic – it’s to convert that traffic into leads and customers. A strong CTA is key to moving readers through your conversion funnel.


Promote Your Content Across Multiple Channels to Maximize Reach

Creating great content is just half the battle. To get the most mileage out of your content marketing efforts, you need to promote it across multiple channels. Don’t just publish and pray – get proactive about getting your content in front of your target audience.


Social Media Platforms

Social media is a powerful tool for amplifying your content’s reach. But not all platforms are created equal. Focus on the channels where your audience is most active and engaged. That might be:

  • LinkedIn for B2B (business to business)
  • Instagram for visual brands
  • Twitter for news and real-time updates
  • Facebook for community building

Tailor your content to each platform’s unique style and audience. What works on Twitter might fall flat on LinkedIn. Use eye-catching visuals, compelling captions, and relevant hashtags to make your posts stand out. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages.


Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach your audience directly. Use your email list to promote your latest blog posts, videos, podcasts, or other content. Segment your list based on interests and behaviors to deliver targeted content. Make sure your emails are mobile-friendly and easy to read. Use a clear, compelling subject line to increase open rates. Include a strong CTA to drive traffic back to your website or landing page. Make it easy for readers to share your content with their own networks. Guest posting is a great way to reach new audiences and build backlinks to your own site. Find blogs in your industry that accept guest posts and pitch them a relevant topic. Make sure your guest post is high-quality and provides value to the blog’s readers. Include a bio with a link back to your website or a specific landing page. Promote your guest post on your own social media channels and email list to drive even more traffic. Engage with comments on the post to build relationships with the blog’s audience.



Paid Advertising

Organic reach will only get you so far. To really amplify your content’s impact, consider investing in paid advertising. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer robust targeting options to help you reach your ideal audience. You can target based on:

  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behaviors
  • Lookalike audiences

Use compelling visuals and copy to grab attention and drive clicks. Test different ad formats and placements to see what works best for your audience. Make sure your landing page delivers on the promise of your ad and includes a clear CTA. Track your results and adjust your strategy based on performance. Remember, paid advertising should complement your organic efforts, not replace them. Use it to amplify your best content and drive targeted traffic to your website.


Key Takeaway: 


To make your content a hit, start with keyword research to see what’s trending. Write catchy headlines and intros that grab attention fast. Make your content easy to read with short paragraphs and clear subheadings. Don’t forget a strong call-to-action (CTA) to guide readers on what to do next. Lastly, spread the word through social media, email marketing, guest posts, influencer collabs, and paid ads for maximum impact.

FAQs in Relation to Content Marketing: How to Make Your Content Stand Out

How do I make my marketing stand out?

To stand out, zero in on what makes you different. Tell stories only you can tell. Mix up your formats and platforms.

How can I improve my content marketing?

Understand your audience deeply. Use their language. Keep content fresh and valuable. Test new ideas regularly.

What are the 5 essential elements of a content marketing strategy?

The five must-haves: know your audience, define clear goals, choose the right channels, create compelling content, measure success.

What are the 7 steps of content marketing?

The seven steps: set objectives, research audience needs, plan topics/themes, develop a calendar, produce engaging material; distribute widely; analyze performance for insights.


The ultimate lesson of good content marketing is that authenticity reigns supreme. By honing in on what sets us apart and staying true to our message, we carve out a niche that no amount of saturation can diminish.

The road less traveled by might seem daunting at first glance but embarking on it with conviction leads us not only toward standing out but also to forging deeper connections with our audience. And isn’t connection what great content marketing is all about?

To wrap up, remember this – consistency is key; keep showing up as authentically you because that’s how winning is done in the bustling realm of digital dialogue.Your story matters; let it be heard loud and clear above the noise.

Are you ready to advance your content marketing strategies today? Book a call and learn how you can partner with Cazbah for better results.

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