product page SEO


If you’re a small business retailer, you know that creating and then maintaining your product page seo can be a daunting task. Every page requires something new so it can be found in an individual search query. Many times, you can end of with hundreds of individual product pages that aren’t getting any traction at all!



Here are some steps to follow to better optimize your products’ search engine and social media traffic:




1. Choosing a Quality Product Image


A picture is worth a thousand words. The truth and importance of that statement can be clearly seen in the presence (or absence) of your product page image. If a person is shopping you’re ecommerce store, they lose the ability to actually pick up the product and judge it. Your optimized product image is what will help you convert a searcher into a sale. Your product image will be the only visual guide your customer has with that specific product, so you need to make sure it’s high quality, well sized, and preferably has the ability to rotate or be seen from different angles.


product image


I would never buy a product from an online retailer if there was no interactive product image available. In my eyes, that’s a big red flag because I’m literally gambling with my money on my expectations for the product. Providing a quality product image helps establish trust with your customer.


There are several places to take advantage of product page SEO, some that you can’t necessarily see. You want to make sure you include Alt tags for all your product images on a page. That way, an online searcher can find your product image in the normal results or the image tab in search engines. Having the ability for your products to be found in several different locations will only increase your product exposure and hopefully your sales to follow.



2. Long Tail Keywords Only


As a small business, you’re selling to a specific group of people. Your keyword choice and product page SEO need to reflect that. As a small business retailer, you’re product pages won’t rank well for generic keywords because you’ll be up against bigger businesses. Concentrate your efforts on reaching that niche population with product- unique keywords. Your target audience will be using specific, industry terms to find your products, so you want to optimize your products with keywords your customers are actually using.


Perform an in-depth keyword research study to determine those specific, long tail keywords you want to use for each of your product pages. You can use a keyword planner like SEMRush and Google Analytics to find and track the keywords for your product pages and see how they perform.


Include your keyword in your product page, your page title, and your meta description to better optimize for search engine results.



3. Create a Comprehensive Product Listing


Your product page needs to be loaded down with all the information a searcher will need to decide to buy your product. Don’t make them go somewhere else to get the whole story, put all the info in one convenient place for them. Your product page needs to be designed to convert a lead into a customer immediately and easily.


Essential Product Listing Information:


-Price (include any markdowns and discounts as well)

-Clear product name/ title

-Additional images and/or videos of the product

-Unique product description

-Customer product reviews


Don’t forget to include your long tail keywords in your product listing and description as well! You should also include some of the product description in the meta description so your potential customers can learn a little about the product before even clicking on your result. Your potential customers will judge your result based on how it compares with others listed, so you want to include valuable information like descriptive adjectives and prices fight from the get-go.


Pro tip:


Include short paragraphs and bullet points in your product listings. This will encourage the lead to read more of the content on the page and stay on longer. These formatting types help to break up a page and make it easier to reader to understand. You also want to make your descriptions fun and engaging to read. Don’t be afraid to use light humor and strong adjectives to attract your lead’s eye!



4. Think Globally, Act Mobily


According to a study, 19% of all US retail e-commerce sales are done on smartphones!


As a retailer, you can’t afford to be left out of that incredible opportunity. Your e-commerce site needs to be fully optimized for mobile to access the full scope of your target audience. Mobile search is becoming more popular by the day and younger generations often prefer to search and buy online.


Mobile offers buying ease to the customer, which often leads to higher purchase and sales rates for e-commerce retailers as well. Mobile optimized retail websites give the potential customer the ability to easily see all your products or find items they may not have originally considered if they were shopping in person. That way you don’t have to wait to make a sale until someone comes into your store, you’re making your products available to potential customers anytime, anywhere! An optimized mobile website equals more exposure, which equals more revenue for you!


Your mobile site needs to be designed for speed and easy navigation to get the best return.


Here’s a checklist to follow when creating your mobile site:


-use JPEG images (PNGs often slow down a site’s load time)

-have clear CTA buttons that differ from the rest of the page (this will draw the lead’s eyes to it)

-limit the amount of redirect links (create your own checkout on your site)

-limit the amount of unnecessary code (excessive code increases processing time)


With mobile voice search and internet search on the rise, it pays to optimize for mobile. Going this extra mile will show your potential and current customers that you are a dedicated, thorough small business.



In Conclusion


There are many ways you can implement product page SEO. Every product page on your site needs to be fully optimized before you’ll start seeing any measurable results. By using the tips above, you’ll be able to ensure your product pages are easy to navigate for both leads and search engines.