You already know that excellent content is how you’ll get found online and increase your ranking on the search result pages , but did you know that compared to other media formats, blog articles don’t generate the most traffic? In today’s fast paced world, your content marketing methods need to always be evolving to keep up with viewer patterns and demands.
Online searchers are always on the lookout for what’s new and exciting, so they can read it, comment on it, and share it with others. Learning how to create effective infographics (with a few special steps later on) is how you can dominate the content in your niche.
Interested? Read on to get the whole picture!
Why Online Infographics are Effective
Just on a basic level, infographics attract the human eye more than regular text because it’s a colorful image.
Effective infographics deliver a pleasing mixture of both content and design, making the text easier and more enjoyable to read and understand. Because of the compressed nature of the content in an infographic, most people will be willing to spend a few minutes looking over it, rather than the 7 minutes (or more) it may take to read an in-depth article on the same subject. When people see the word “infographic” after the headline title, they’re more inclined to click on that result because it offers a sense of ease in information accessibility.
Infographics are a good way to keep web visitors on a page for longer too. Because infographics are detailed images (and especially if they’re interactive), people will spend time viewing each section of the infographic and then seeing how it all fits together. Infographics stand out on a page!
If your infographic is informative and well-designed, your web visitors will also be more open to sharing it with their friends and on their personal social media accounts as well. Recent studies have shown that infographics are a hugely popular marketing method for many businesses to effectively reach their customers. In fact, infographics are the most effective medium method for viewers to learn and retain information (over commercials, blog posts, and articles with images). Knowing how to create an effective infographic provides you with yet another opportunity to go above and beyond to reach your target audience.
Our modern population has increasingly short attention spans, so marketers need to be able to communicate their information efficiently in a manner than can be easily absorbed by their target audience.
The visual transmission of information is well known to be more effective than regular text. Visuals work to create connection with the viewer through either association or emotion, making them easier to remember. If your infographic is going to be successful, it needs to be well-designed and developed; however, design isn’t the only aspect of your infographic that matters. As always, you need to prioritize your content first!
This is how you can get started with infographics today!
Creating “Guestographics”
“Guestographics” was coined by Backlinko founder and SEO expert, Brian Dean. He lays out some simple steps on how to create and generate massive traffic gains from infographic development. Luckily, creating, publishing, and receiving traffic from high-quality infographics is within reach for even the smallest businesses! It’s actually not as hard as you may think, but it does require dedication.
Here are the 4 steps you need to produce a traffic generating infographic for your small business website:
1. Produce a High Quality Infographic
Alright, so how do you produce an infographic in the first place?
First, find a popular topic in your industry and write up a short article about it. You can use tools like BuzzSumo, Google News, or a simple online search to determine what topics are trending. Once your article is written, you should hire a professional graphic designer (who specializes in infographics) to create an infographic for you. You can check out freelance hiring websites like UpWork, Toptal, Freelancer and many more to find a designer you’ll work well with if you don’t have a graphic designer in house.
Don’t be afraid to be picky with who you choose to create your infographic. Some freelance designers may post previous infographic design work openly; but if they don’t, ask them to share their portfolio with you, so you can determine if they’d be a good fit.
2. Create an Outreach List
If you want your infographic to start generating traffic for your website, people need to know that it’s there! You can promote your infographic through social media channels, but you can also reach out to other bloggers to see if they’d be interested in sharing, hosting, or backlinking to your infographic as well.
Other bloggers writing on the same or similar topics as you may be interested in looking at your infographic and sharing it with their audience. But, if those other bloggers are going to help you out and share your infographic, you need to make it worth their effort and make sure your infographic is top-notch.
Don’t push your infographic on other bloggers, but first respectfully ask if they’d be interested in seeing it at all. Send them an email letting them know you just created a new, informative infographic they might be interested in due to your shared niche interests. Once you have confirmed interest in your infographic, you can then ask if they’d host your infographic and share it.
3. Offer to Write an Original Guest Post
Alright, if you’re successful in your content outreach and have someone (or many) people who are interested in seeing your infographic, your next step is ask them to host it on their site. Hosting guest blog posts is a great way for bloggers to offer fresh ideas, voices, and content to their readers and it’s a great way to boost your SEO result rank too!
When you send over your infographic, offer to write an original intro for the guest post as well. It’s important to include some text on every page, so search engine’s have something to index. It will also allow the hosting website to rank well too, because even if the infographic is posted in another location, the intro content is new and original so you’ll avoid any duplicate content issues.
4. Get a (Contextual) Backlink
Backlinks are a great way to boost your SERP rank and is a common SEO tool that many content writers use. However, there is a difference between contextual and plain ‘ol backlinks in their effectiveness.
A contextual backlink is a link back to a web page using specific anchor text within a body paragraph. A regular backlink could possibly appear at the top or bottom of a web page and is just a hyperlink to a webpage. A regular backlink has no content associated with it that search engine’s can pick up on.
Contextual Backlinks work because:
- They add uniqueness to your web page
- They help search engine’s establish relevance, credibility, and page authority
- It lowers bounce rates because interested visitors are automatically brought to pages they’re interested in by clicking your backlink
- They offer more quality information to the reader (a ranking factor that is prioritized by Google algorithms)
In Conclusion
Infographics are powerful content marketing tools you can use to help increase your web traffic and reach your audience effectively. Use the tips and advice above to learn how to create an effective infographic that gets read and shared by other website and your target audience too! By investing in good design and distribution techniques, your infographic will have a great ROI toward the success of your website.