Foster Manufacturing: Printing and Material Handling Equipment Manufacturer


Ted Borowsky, president of Foster Manufacturing talks about what their situation was like when they launched their first website: “Before we started working with Cazbah, we basically had an online catalog and we really didn’t have a lot of traffic. We didn’t get a lot of people calling us saying, ‘We saw your stuff on the web.’ It was basically our catalog copy, our photos, and our prices. There was nothing really driving traffic to our company on the Web per-se.”

With great anticipation, they had launched their website in hopes of generating the kinds of traffic and leads that they had heard so much about and hoped for. Unfortunately, the results were not forthcoming. Ted comments that, “We weren’t getting the level of calls or inquiries that we thought we would have from the web.”


As a manufacturer that is dedicated to their dealer channel, Foster needed a website that accomplished their goal of supporting their dealers with sales leads, worldwide. Cazbah delivered. The Foster Manufacturing website is the repository where end-users and dealers alike can come and get the information they need to advance the sale.

Cazbah built Foster Manufacturing’s website with a focus on targeting their content and products specifically to their customer wants and needs. They designed Foster’s new website with a particular focus on products sold through their dealer channel. Ted went on to say, “We eliminated the products that had become commoditized.”

Bottom Line:

Foster Manufacturing can now count on their Cazbah website to generate the volume of qualified leads that the company needs to support their dealer channel and grow their business. Ted commented, “In the last 2 years we’ve seen a 20% increase in our business. We’ve also gotten a lot more inquiries from overseas and we’ve expanded our distribution into Central and South America as a result.” He went on to say, “We’ve definitely seen an increase in the leads we get from our website. We’re now seeing 2 – 3 as many as 4 sales leads per day!”

Being able to track sales through the channel has been a big advantage for Foster Manufacturing. The ability to know when a sale closes, after sending a qualified lead to a dealer, helps Foster close-the-loop on their Internet marketing process. Ted talks about this, “Our close rate is actually pretty good. We’re getting about a 35% conversion rate from sales inquiries from our Cazbah website to sales through the channel.”